Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
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Privacy Window Film,31.5 Inch x 16.4 Feet
Privacy Window Film,31.5 Inch x 16.4 Feet 
- Sold Winning Bid: $9.00
- 18 Bid(s) View Bid History
- High Bidder: Charrrrm
- Lot # 38
- System ID # 35095169
- End Date
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UV Protection-Continuous exposure to the sun will cause high room temperature, aging furniture, and sunburn on the skin. Heat insulation film that can block 90% of UV and 50% of heat. It can perfectly solve this problem, and you will have a feeling of visibly cooler after use. It can also save your air-conditioning electricity bill. Privacy Protection-After sticking the window film, the outside looks like a mirror during the day, and I promise you can t see inside even if you use a telescope. But the inside can still clearly see the outside.